Red Renault Clio
Residents began to submit reports about this Clio during the summer of 2023, when it is believed the driver first started using our area for 'free' parking.
The drivers have often been seen leaving the vehicle before continuing their journey on foot towards Fiveways. It's understood that the owner lives in the adjoining resident parking zone.
This is one of the literal hundreds of vehicles (and owners) that use Hollingdean in this way, opting to use the streets of Hollingdean to park and store their vehicle rather than obtaining a permit for their vehicle, for the area in which they live.
This is particularly problematic in the areas of Hollingdean that abut existing permit zones. In this case, the drivers chose to park their vehicle as close as they can manage to Fiveways - commonly on Hollingbury Crescent or as nearby as they can manage.
This behaviour only worsens an already incredibly congested corner of Hollingdean, adding to pollution, noise, traffic, and - of course - removing scarce parking spaces from the residents who live there.
This Clio frequently does not move from one week to the next, exacerbating the issue further.
Three residents have reported antisocial issues with the drivers of this vehicle, who have been seen to cut across oncoming traffic to park in 'their' space - often using the horn whilst doing so.