White Hyundai I10
Residents report that this vehicle belongs to a resident of the adjoining Zone G controlled parking zone.
For the past year and more, this car has been left every evening and weekend in Hollingdean, using the area for free parking and storage.
It is parked as close as the driver is able to achieve to their own residence, adding yet further additional pressure to the area of Hollingdean around Hollingbury Crescent and Stanmer Park Road.
There are hundreds of vehicles that use Hollingdean as this Hyundai does; preferring to use the 'free' parking in Hollingdean rather than purchase a permit for their vehicle, for the area that they live in.
This puts additional (and unnecessary) pressure on the residents of Hollingdean, who struggle to park their own vehicles as a result, and are unable to use the more available parking at this car owner's address (as they do here) due to their permit zone.
It has also been reported that when this vehicle is left on Hollingbury Road (within the controlled parking zone - where the owner appears to live) during the weekend, the car has often been spotted with a council parking ticket on the windscreen, for not displaying a suitable permit.
It is understood that shortly after the survey, the owner of this vehicle opted to purchase a permit and moved this vehicle to their own home. This does not negate the very long period of time it was stored in Hollingdean instead.