Hollingdean Parking


Black Seat Alhambra

  • Hollingdean residents have reported that GU14 YNZ is a known non-resident vehicle, seen to belong to a family on Hollingbury Road (in controlled parking Zone G), and often seen parked there outside of their controlled parking hours.

  • The owners otherwise chose to keep their (large) vehicle in Hollingdean instead of obtaining a suitable permit for their own location.

  • This is one of at least fourteen known vehicles that belong to residents of Hollingbury Road (in Zone G), which are stored in the adjoining streets of Hollingdean rather than using a resident permit.

  • It is clear that this massive amount of displaced parking from non-residents who do not have the basic wherewithal to buy a permit for their own vehicle, for their own area, has a significant impact on the residents of Hollingdean, and in particular in the corner directly abutting these zones around Hollingbury Crescent, Stanmer Park Road, Adams Close, and Stamner Villas.

Photograph of GU14 YNZ - a black Seat Alhambra parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The first of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconStanmer Villas (Aug '23) (Hollingdean)
Photograph of GU14 YNZ - a black Seat Alhambra parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The second of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingbury Crescent - Nov '23 (Hollingdean)

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