Gold Vauxhall Grandland
This vehicle was first reported by a resident who could not sleep due to the car's hazard lights flashing through their bedroom window at 4am. Other residents of Roedale Road subsequently reported the same incident the following morning.
This Vauxhall was left, double-parked, with it's hazard lights on in Roedale Road in the early evening (around 6:30 - 7:00pm).
The owner then did not return to the vehicle until mid-morning the following day, at which point the car's battery was seemingly drained and it did not start.
Photographs from that morning show that the vehicle had been left in a very dangerous position; not only double-parked, but significantly over the centre-line of the road, forcing traffic to squeeze past and causing a bottle-neck.
It is believed that the owner is a resident, but whom had given up attempting to find a place to park their vehicle due to the level of congestion, and had left it in this position out of desperation.
This is something we are seeing more and more regularly where residents and their visitors are pushed to extreme and dangerous measures simply because there isn't the space available for them to park safely near their own homes.