Black Nissan Note
Residents have often reported this car as a commuter. The vehicle is usually seen each weekday parked within Hollingdean, as close as the driver is able to achieve to Fiveways.
The vehicle arrives on weekday mornings before 8am, leaving again after 6pm. This use ensures that local Hollingdean residents are unable to park in the area themselves, throughout every weekday.
BW15 VNJ has been frequently reported for antisocial parking; often seen to park very inconsiderately: extremely close to the bumper of other parked vehicles, pinning them in. This Nissan is also often noted as being parked onto curbs, or across double-yellow lines and particularly partially blocking driveways.
Two reports were received where this car has caused other parked vehicle alarms to sound, presumed due to hitting them whilst manoeuvring.
The driver has been spoken to by several neighbours, and polite notes have been left on the windscreen asking that they do not block residents' driveways or junctions. When spoken to in person, they are described as being extremely rude and contemptuous. They have ignored notes left on their car.
An example has been included where the driver attempted to squeeze this Nissan right up against another parked car (leaving literal millimetres of space), but still remained more than 75% overlapping the white access markings and dropped curb of the neighbouring driveway. In doing so, they hit the parked car twice, setting off the alarm. The resident has dashcam footage of this.
When challenged by the resident, the female driver first dismissed them, and when pressed further and asked to move her vehicle so that the resident could later get their own vehicle out for a hospital appointment, she walked away, telling them to "f*ck off and walk then". Again, this interaction was caught on camera.
This is not an isolated incident; we received repeated reports about this vehicle and the driver.
The owner is unknown to the driveway owners nor local residents whom they constantly impede.