Black Alfa Romeo Giulietta
Residents report that VU15 KNV is believed to belong to an individual living some distance away in Zone J.
The vehicle is permanently parked in and around the top end of Hollingdean, towards the border with Fiveways.
VU15 KNV displays an expired resident permit in the windscreen, demonstrating that the owners have been using Hollingdean to store their vehicle for the past several years rather than renewing their permit.
Although the vehicle is in use, it will regularly be left unmoved for several weeks at a time, taking away available space for Hollingdean residents.
The owner appears to have chosen to store and park their vehicle in Hollingdean, rather than obtain a permit for their own home.
In late 2023, this vehicle stopped appearing in Hollingdean, now instead parked at the owner's residence in Zone J, with a new, valid, resident permit. Nevertheless, the owner used Hollingdean for free parking for nearly three full years before finally obtaining a permit of their own.
Hollingdean residents were disappointed to note that after six months of this vehicle no longer using the 'free' parking in Hollingdean (instead being kept at the owner's residence on Southdown Rd, with a valid permit), it has returned to Hollingdean now that the permit has expired again.
This Alfa Romeo reappeared on Stanmer Park Rd in early February 2024 and has not moved since. It is disappointing that the owner appears to have reverted back to form, using our streets to store their vehicle.