T267 KDM
White Fiat Ducato
T267 KDM is one of many camper vans that residents have identified using the Hollingdean area for 'free' storage.
There is a cluster of these vehicles, particularly in and around Hollingdean Terrace, which residents report do not move for the majority of each year.
This one, in particular, is described as having moved for a two-week period last summer, after which it has, once again, been parked up and left in Hollingdean. The owner is not a local resident.
Camper Vans using Hollingdean in this way is a well-known issue and is particularly impactful on local residents as they tend to only move for short periods of time during the summer months.
Vehicles of this size are unable to obtain resident permits elsewhere in the city so they naturally congregate around areas such as ours. Due to their size, they often cause obstructions for residents, blocking significant portions of road and visibility, and making our streets more dangerous as a result.