Silver Mazda MX-5
Residents report that this Mazda has been using Hollingdean for free parking and storage for the past several months.
It is understood that the drivers are neither local residents, nor their visitors. They have been seen parking and then walking back into Fiveways on foot each time they arrive in Hollingdean.
Although S83 ACD does move occasionally, it is also often left for very long stretches of time; one resident quoted more than two months without the vehicle moving at all.
This Mazda is in a very poor state of repair with torn roof and significant body rust. It also has a very droney aftermarket exhaust which disturbs residents, particularly as the drivers appear unable to park accurately, subsequently spending several minutes pulling and droning backwards and forwards into a space, often late at night.
Non-residents using Hollingdean for 'free' parking in this way, rather than obtaining permits for their own area, is extremely common. This takes away from what little available parking there is in the area for local residents.