White Volkswagen Caddy
This Volkswagen Caddy is another classic displaced vehicle from the adjoining Zone J (for which it still displays an expired resident permit).
Hollingdean is surrounded on three sides by existing resident parking zones (the fourth edge is a golf course). We see hundreds of non-resident vehicles being kept here, where the owners will simply walk back and forth rather than pay for or renew their permit for the area in which they live.
What this does is cause the areas of Hollingdean that directly connect with these zones to become incredibly congested. Non-residents who want to use Hollingdean for 'free' parking will enter our area and then park as close as they are able to their own home. This means that areas like the top and bottom end of Upper Hollingdean Road (which adjoin Zone J on West, and Zone U on the East), and Hollingbury Crescent (which adjoins Zones G and J at Fiveways) are always completely full of cars that don't belong to the people that live there.
The misuse of rare local resources (parking spaces) is only one small aspect of the problems this type of behaviour from non-residents causes. Outside of that, the residents are subjected to all the problems you might expect from their streets being used for nothing more than parking: additional pollution, noise, and congestion have a very real impact, while the selfish owners save themselves less than £100 a year.