Hollingdean Parking

R171 GCW

Green Land Rover Defender

  • Residents report that owner of this Land Rover is not a Hollingdean resident but uses the local area to store their vehicle.

  • Until earlier in 2022, this vehicle was often seen left in the area Surrenden but has (presumedly) been displaced to Hollingdean instead since parking permits were introduced there.

  • This Land Rover is often left without moving for several weeks at a time, using what little available parking space there is for local residents.

  • It is assumed that this is either a second vehicle which the owner is unable to get a permit for, or they otherwise chose to store their vehicle a significant distance from their home because it is currently free here.

  • This is one of several very similar Land Rovers stored in this fashion in the area. It is unclear if they are related.

Photograph of R171 GCW - a Green Land Rover Defender parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident.
Map iconHollingbury Crescent (Hollingdean)

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