Gold Nissan Micra
Possibly one of the most blatant and most-mentioned vehicles in this survey.
This vehicle does not belong to a Hollingdean resident but is believed to belong to a relatively local neighbour from inside the permit zones, who own another (much newer) car.
This Nissan began to appear parked in Hollingdean immediately after parking restrictions were introduced on Preston Drove and has been kept in the area (as close to Fiveways as the driver is able) ever since.
It is understood that the owners are unwilling to obtain a permit for their vehicle in order to park in at their own address, despite having another vehicle which they do have a permit for.
Many residents report that this vehicle rarely moves, a fact which can be verified from Street View on Google Maps, where it often does not appear to move at all from one year to the next.
Reports that the vehicle is left to fall into significant disrepair with flat tyres, broken wing mirrors, and plants growing from the windscreen scuttle.
One resident reports having met the owner of this vehicle, who, at the time, was attempting to open this Micra with a screwdriver. The owner joked about how he had left it for so long that the battery was totally flat.
The same resident then reported that LC03 FYJ did not move again for a further six months, where it went for an MOT, and was then returned to Hollingdean to not move again for a further year. Mileage records for this car's MOT history support this.
The council reports multiple attempts to report this vehicle as abandoned due to its immobility, combined with a cogent and frequent state of disrepair.
Between January and August 2024, this Nissan did not move from its position on Hollingbury Crescent at all. Once again, it was left to gradually rot on our streets, with its wing mirror hanging off and plants growing through it (again). It then moved for a single day in mid-August before reappearing around the corner on Stanmer Park Road in exactly the same state, from which it has not moved since.
The MOT history for this Micra confirms that it does appear to have been dumped in Hollingdean.
Between November 2018 and November 2019 it travelled a total of seventeen miles.
In the same period for 2019 - 2020, it travelled just over 500 miles.
2020 - 2021 it travelled another 500 miles.
2021 - 2022 it travelled less than fifty miles.
2022 - 2023 it travelled a little over 700 miles.
The entire rest of the time, it is simply left, dumped in Hollingdean, by a non-resident owner who doesn't have the basic common decency nor wherewithal to look after their own vehicle.
Towards the end of 2024, residents noticed that this Micra's MOT had expired, and the owner still had not moved it; it was now being kept illegally.
The following month, the car's tax also expired, leaving local residents with an illegal eyesore that had been dumped on their street and was still unmoving.
One evening, around a month later, it disappeared and has not been seen again. Residents hope that the owner has - finally - opted to scrap it (or perhaps buy a permit for it), but we know from experience that there is a strong chance that it may simply reappear dumped in Hollingdean at a later date.