Hollingdean Parking


White Mercedes Sprinter

  • Although not believed to be a delivery vehicle to one of the shops there, KS15 NZE is a frequent visitor to The Dip area of Hollingdean.

  • Residents report that this very large van is often left parked extremely badly, on the pavement and covering the junction between Hollingbury Place and Roedale Road. it is then often left in this position for several hours throughout the day.

  • This is extremely dangerous for both drivers who cannot see through the junction and pedestrians who are unable to see clearly to cross (with the van parked both on the pavement and blocking the dropped curb).

  • On a number of occasions, this has led to traffic issues where vehicles have been unable to pass the bus stopped on the opposite side of Hollingbury Place because this van blocks the second lane. In addition, the bus is then unable to turn down Roedale Road due to the backed-up traffic and the van blocking part of that road.

  • Although residents have been able to speak with the driver on more than one occasion, they have been met with aggressive language from the driver.

Photograph of KS15 NZE - a White Mercedes Sprinter parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The first of five photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconRoedale Road - Nov '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of KS15 NZE - a White Mercedes Sprinter parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The second of five photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingbury Place - Nov '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of KS15 NZE - a White Mercedes Sprinter parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The third of five photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingbury Place - Nov '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of KS15 NZE - a White Mercedes Sprinter parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The fourth of five photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconRoedale Road - Nov '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of KS15 NZE - a White Mercedes Sprinter parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The fifth of five photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingbury Place - Nov '23 (Hollingdean)

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