KGZ 8647
Black Citroen C3
Residents report that this vehicle uses Hollingdean most days for parking whilst the owner works in the local area.
The owner is understood to be a member of staff at a local estate agent, which is based within the controlled parking zones.
This is believed to be one of several staff members' cars that use the specific area to the West of Hollingdean for 'free' daily parking, as it is close to the business.
This adds significant additional pressure to an already very congested part of Hollingdean, where residents struggle to find available parking for their own personal vehicles.
When not parked in Hollingdean, KGZ 8647 is often seen parked in the staff car park belonging to the estate agency. It is unclear why staff don't simply park in the business car park all the time rather than upset local residents (whom presumedly are their target clients).