Hollingdean Parking


White Vauxhall Combo

  • HV13 JVP is a non-resident vehicle, although the owner is known to frequently store their van in Hollingdean over the weekends.

  • This Vauxhall is always left as shown in the photographs: straddling the pavement, on double-yellow lines, and blocking the junction between Dudley Road and Hollingdean Street.

  • This is not only selfish, but also illegal and extremely dangerous, blocking pedestrian and vehicle visibility through the junction.

Photograph of HV13 JVP - a White Vauxhall Combo parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The first of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingdean Street - Oct '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of HV13 JVP - a White Vauxhall Combo parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident. The second of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconDudley Road - Oct '23 (Hollingdean)

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