White Fiat 500
This little Fiat has become a persistent issue for Hollingdean residents due to the (non-resident) owner's choice of parking location.
This small white Fiat 500 is regularly found parked directly on the junction between the bottom of Hollingdean Terrace and Roedale Road, right over the dropped curb intended for pedestrians attempting to cross at the junction.
This inconsiderate parking forces pedestrians, including parents with pushchairs and young children on their way to the local infants and junior schools, to step out into the busy road to pass it. Given how busy this walking route is, this creates a dangerous and utterly unnecessary hazard for our community.
Despite the clear obstruction it causes, the owner continues to park in this same spot every day if they are able. Rather than finding an alternative space, they prioritise their own convenience over the safety of others.
HJ59 OMY is a recurring source of frustration for residents attempting to walk or drive through this already congested area.