Hollingdean Parking


Red Audi TT

  • This Audi is well-recognised by residents as belonging to a non-resident who lives in the adjoining permit zone G on Hollingbury Road.

  • Despite living in a permit zone, the owner instead opts to store their vehicle in the adjoining 'free' parking in Hollingdean, parking as close as they are able to their home in the very congested Westernmost corner around Hollingbury Crescent, and Hollingbury Place.

  • This is another clear example of displacement parking - vehicles which belong to individuals who live in controlled parking areas, but use other areas for 'free' parking rather than obtaining a permit.

  • This vehicle often does not move for significant periods, adding further to the congestion it causes. As is the case with all of the vehicles reported, this selfish use of our streets significantly impacts local residents who struggle to find parking themselves and are left to deal with the increased traffic, noise, pollution, and congestion that these unnecessary additional vehicles cause.

Photograph of HF52 FBZ - a Red Audi TT parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident, and potentially abandoned. The first of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingbury Crescent - Oct '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of HF52 FBZ - a Red Audi TT parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident, and potentially abandoned. The second of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconHollingbury Place - Dec '23 (Hollingdean)

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