Black Citroen C4
Residents report that this Citroën is a regular (often daily) visitor to Hollingdean.
It does not belong to a resident nor to a resident's visitor. It is believed that it may belong to an estate agent working in one of the Fiveways offices.
It has been recognised that this vehicle, in particular, makes a point of parking as close as the driver is able to the Westmost corner of Hollingdean, frequently parking on the pavement at the bottom of Stanmer Park Road, rather than finding an open space further into Hollingdean.
The vehicle is then left in this fashion for the entire day, often not moving again until the mid-evening, during which time it blocks pedestrian access across the junction, particularly impacting school children, and those either pushing prams or in wheelchairs.
Non-residents using Hollingdean in this fashion for 'free' parking (particularly in the very congested corner against Fiveways around Hollingbury Crescent, Adams Close, and Stanmer Park Road where many of this daytime prefer to park) cause significant issues for local residents who are left unable to park anywhere near their own homes.