White Volkswagen Up
An eagle-eyed resident spotted this white Volkswagen parked in Hollingdean on the very first day that the resident's parking permit (for Zone F - in the adjoining Fiveways area) expired.
This Volkswagen then did not move for several days. Although, it has been driven since, it has subsequently been returned to Hollingdean, rather than to the owner's residence in Fiveways.
It seems very evident to local residents that this is yet another non-resident, displaced vehicle. Still displaying an expired permit for one of the neighbouring controlled parking zones, this owner has decided to use the 'free' parking in Hollingdean to store their vehicle, instead of renewing their permit.
Use of Hollingdean in this way is extremely common, with some of the most prolific offenders having done so for many years. They park in Hollingdean whilst simultaneously being able to exploit the permit-controlled parking of their own street whenever they wish. All the while, they leave the residents of Hollingdean to deal with their (often) dumped unwanted vehicles, along with the congestion, noise, and pollution that comes with our streets being used for free parking by outsiders.