Black Volkswagen Polo
Another non-resident vehicle recognised for regularly using Hollingdean for free parking, particularly over evenings and weekends.
It has been noted that this Polo is also often seen parked in Zone 10 on Surrenden Road. It is understood that the owner lives in the Fiveways/Preston Park area and uses either Hollingdean for longer-term 'free' parking, or otherwise uses Surrenden (which is a light-touch scheme) when the parking restrictions are not active there.
This selfish use of our roads only adds more pressure to the already very-congested corner of Hollingdean up against Fiveways whilst the owner should be using suitable permits for the area they either live or are visiting.
Since first publishing, this vehicle has continued to come and go from Hollingdean regularly, until the start of December, when it arrived with a new Zone F permit attached to the windscreen (this is for the Fiveways area directly adjoining where this vehicle tends to park).
This confirms that the vehicle is one of the many, many displaced vehicles using Hollingdean for free parking.
Peculiarly, despite now having a valid permit for the owner's location in the adjoining permit zone, at the time of publishing the vehicle had been parked in Hollingdean for more than a week.