Black Toyota Yaris
GU56 DKX is one of many cars which residents recognise as belonging to a patron of the local pub.
This Toyota arrives most Friday afternoons, often parking illegally and dangerously on the pavement between Hollingbury Crescent and Stanmer Park Road (as shown), presumed because the owner does not want to park further away from the pub in a safer space.
Residents report that it is then seen being driven very erratically later the same evening.
Aside from the dangerous and illegal manner in which this (and many other) vehicle owner decides to park, blocking the pavement and visibility for/of pedestrians attempting to cross the road at the junction, this constant use of Hollingdean for 'free' parking by non-residents adds significant additional pressure to an area of Hollingdean that already suffers greatly due to it's proximity to Fiveways.