Hollingdean Parking


Silver Audi A4

  • Residents of Dudley Road report that (at the time of publishing) this Audi had not moved in the past six months or more.

  • Residents also note that it is not known to, nor owned by, any of the local neighbours and appears to have been abandoned.

  • The MOT history for this vehicle seems to confirm that this is the case. Between February 2023 and February 2024, it travelled a total of five miles, and only eleven miles the year before that. The entire rest of the time, this vehicle was dumped in Hollingdean, left here by a non-resident.

  • It has been left unmoved for so long that all four tyres have perished and deflated, and plants have begun to grow between the wheels from the street surface beneath.

  • This is one example of many unused, unloved, and possibly abandoned vehicles left in Hollingdean by non-residents. Using our streets in this manner is not only unsightly but reduces what little available space there is on the street for actual residents to use.

Photograph of FP55 XDV - a Silver Audi A4 parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident, and potentially abandoned. The first of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconDudley Road - Sept '23 (Hollingdean)
Photograph of FP55 XDV - a Silver Audi A4 parked in Hollingdean by a non-resident, and potentially abandoned. The second of two photographs supplied by the residents of Hollingdean.
Map iconDudley Road - Sept '23 (Hollingdean)

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