Grey Vauxhall Insignia
This vehicle receives the unenviable reward of being one of the most-mentioned vehicles by Hollingdean residents.
It is understood that DF60 DWZ belongs to a resident of a neighbouring controlled parking zone.
Unusual for the area: the owners have both a garage and driveway.
Nevertheless, this vehicle is found parked outside of the owner's zone, in Hollingdean, and instead taking up what little space is available to actual local residents.
This is a large estate vehicle which takes up a significant amount of road space and is often reported to be left parked poorly, partially (ironically) blocking local resident driveways or overhanging double-yellow lines.
In late November 2023, a resident reported this vehicle parked in Hollingdean for the weekend once again (on Hollingbury Crescent). This time, however, it was parked so poorly that at least a full third (or more) of its width stuck out into the road. This meant that vehicles travelling up Hollingbury Crescent - towards the blind summit at the junction with Hollingbury Road - were forced over the central line and into the oncoming traffic in order to pass, causing several near-misses and horn honking. DF60 DWZ did not move from this position for several days.
It is unclear why the owner would prefer to consistently store their vehicle in this fashion rather than use their garage, or driveway. They could also obtain a permit for their vehicle, or visitor permits for when they feel they need to use their driveway and garage for other vehicles (which appears to be several times each week).
Since April 2024, it appears that the residents who own this vehicle have bought a new car — a green Skoda kept on their driveway on Hollingbury Road, and wearing the roofbox originally seen on DF60 DWZ.
The owners appear to have left this Vauxhall semi-permanently on Hollingbury Crescent, from where it did not move for some time. Since then, the owners have begun to use it again irregularly, always returning it to Hollingdean rather to their home, and often leaving it unmoved for several weeks at a time.
It continues to take up what precious little space would otherwise be available for actual local residents.
Vehicles moving from Zone G, especially Hollingbury Road, into Hollingdean create a ridiculous scenario where Hollingdean residents cannot park on their own streets because they're filled with cars from Hollingbury Road residents. Consequently, Hollingdean residents are forced to park in Zone G, where there is ample space but risk getting a parking ticket for not having a permit.