This website has been created by a group of Hollingdean residents fed up with the large number of displaced vehicles in our area, and serves to demonstrate the scale of the problems residents face as a result of uncontrolled parking on our streets.
Whilst the latest vote showed a majority against a parking scheme in Hollingdean, there is a significant division in the way roads in the South (with the highest amount of displacement) voted, while roads in the North of the ward face less strain and voted more strongly against.
We also feel the recent consultation process, whilst it may have ticked the right boxes, didn't engage residents nearly enough. This has lead to confusion on the process, as well as a scheme design that didn’t take into account resident’s wishes.
We want to petition Brighton & Hove council to revisit a resident's parking scheme in the South of Hollingdean where displacement is greatest and where support is strongest. This is an area where residents face both dangerous and illegal parking on a daily basis, increased traffic, air pollution, noise, and an inability to park in their own road, let alone near their home.
Featured vehicles
Below is just a small collection of some of the problems we face in our community.
We have over 203 more examples of non-resident, displaced, commuter, abandoned, tourist, (or a combination) cars, taxis, vans, and campers in our full gallery.